Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Yolk

Oh, Hello again.

Spring has finally come to NY which means a pretty even mix a rain and sunshine. The freckles have begun to re-appear on my face. I thought I'd share a few photos. They're actually pretty terrible. Anyway, all the trees are blooming in the city streets:

 The gloomy, gray day didn't bring out the brilliance of the trees like a sunny one does.

These were taken on Havemeyer in Williamsburg while walking one of my doggies, Nigel (below).

We're all slowly coming out of hibernation. Some of us, like my roomy Lesley, slower than others. She spent all day one weekend sleeping next to a live webcam of a mama Bald Eagle and its babies.

And lastly I thought I'd share a proud picture of a Spinach, Kale and Green Pepper quiche I made for dinner tonight. (Cooking a pie for one is dangerous because you're basically eating the whole thing yourself a lot faster than you'd like to).

The crust is also from scratch and I'm impatient it's not very pretty. It tastes good though!

Whelp, that's all for now!

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