Monday, November 23, 2009


No, not S.O.S. by Rhianna, S.O.S. as in help!, like the Beatles. Someone give me a job. Someone give me a place to live that's not San Jose, or CA at all preferably. I think my soon-to-be-aquired CS4 will help. Or at least that's what I tell myself.


  • Get a job (not as a fucking barista) that is worth the time it takes away from all the other shit I have to do
  • Work on chilin's libros
  • Study graphic & web design
  • Aprender a Espanol
  • MOVE away
  • Finish Superfuture Vol. 1
  • Expand portfolio
  • Do self-promo stuff I've never done
  • Get at least one real Illustration job
  • Be a person (not going to happen)

In other news, Kendall and Houston just visited and it was amazing! I never wanted them to leav
When we got to Yosemite Valley we stopped at BridalVeil Falls to explore and take pictures. Hopefully Kendall and Houston will post theirs somehow because theirs are so much better than mine.

When Houston said his tent was small, Kendall and I had no idea how small. It was about waist high and maybe 4 ft wide. It was surprisingly comfy though. And we didn't get eaten by bears.

After a night of freezing our asses off in the tiniest tent, we were tentative about hiking because the rangers forecast rain/snow. We started hiking with the agreement that we would turn back when the rain started coming. One of the fun things about Kendall and Houston is that they're not my family. Meaning if I wanted to go climbing 50 feet up granite rock off the trail they joined me instead of worrying. Houston had the luck of hearing or seeing at least 3 trees fall. We reached a picture opportunity in the hike that was a stop on an old wooden bridge with a great view of the falls. He saw the tree fall, Kendall and I saw his jaw drop. Then as we were walking up the trail a giant branch broke off about 10-15 feet in front of us. We got spooked and almost turned around until we saw people three times our age continuing on. Our pride got the better of us, for the best, turns out. We met a guy named Edgar who walked with us for the remaining 3 or so hours of our hike. Luckily for us he was really knowledgeable of the area and the natural history of it.

After driving the mountain pass, we stopped at the Iron Door, Groveland. This was after seeing my first snow in at least 4 years.

Chillin by a CA flag made in the 1880s.

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