Yesterday was the first time in a long time that it's been sunny on my day off. I took full advantage of course. It's definitely strange how the weather dramatically changes my mood. I slept in, ate some grub and then tanned on the roof for about an hour or so. Then I met my roommate Lesley for a beer and we caught the Spain v Honduras game at a local bar. Viva Espana! I started towards Bedford Ave with my bike and heard some pretty good live music. I stopped to watch for a while, took some pictures and did a quick sketch. There's nothing better than live music in the summertime.
I was heading home, but something about the East River Park called to me so I decided to settle there for a bit and bask in the sun for a while.
I also picked up a couple of books from one of the street vendors for pretty cheap ($4). Even though I just got my NY Library Card, I figured four bucks is actually cheaper than what I would end up paying in my inevitable overdue library fines so I went for it. It's also always so exciting to own a new (new to me) book!
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